Janet Murguía on immigration: Take Hate out of Debate
National Council of La Raza President and CEO Janet Murguía's National Press Club speech, April 16, 2008
National Council of La Raza President and CEO Janet Murguía's National Press Club speech, April 16, 2008
1:29 AM
Janet Murguía,
Ms Murguia has it all wrong. She should check out how much the taxpayers spend on ILLEGAL immagrants per year. Try $36,000 per family of 4, PER YEAR. and She's concerned about the cost of deportation? Check out our jail and prisons Ms. Marguia, you may be suprised. I applaud Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, Shawn Hannity, Andrew Wilkow, Mark Levin and all talk show hosts who belive the Constitution of the U.S should be upheld.
perhaps a little less time applauding Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, Shawn Hannity, Andrew Wilkow, Mark Levin and all talk show hosts, and a little more time learning some facts, and you wouldn't be so ignorant.
"how much the taxpayers spend on ILLEGAL immagrants per year. Try $36,000 per family of 4, PER YEAR. and She's concerned about the cost of deportation? Check out our jail and prisons "
would you like to back up that statement with some actual factual material not gleened from the likes of dropout Hannity or blowhard Dobbs.
On the left sidebar of this blog is a box that says "learn the facts" ...I suggest you try it. It's got numerous studies and other research that gives the true, academically tested, facts about immigration...not some conjecture of radio personalities and right-wimg infotianers.
Anyone can make up moronic statements and pass them off of facts. Here's one for you..."People who post anonymous comments praising Hannity and Dobbs have been shown to have IQ's only 1/2 that of the average person". ...it's a fact... I just wrote it so it must be true.
"....it's a fact... I just wrote it so it must be true."
Just like everything you advocates of illegal immigration say. We all know that adopting 12 million poor and illiterate illegal aliens as citizens will contribute to the national goals of literacy and becoming a world class competitor against Japan and Europe, where literacy rates are nearly 100%. We all know that adopting millions who live below the poverty level would never result in their resorting to Earned Income Tax credits, free medical care and welfare benefits. It's all so manifestly true, NOT!
The last resort for the illegal alien supporters is ad hominem attacks and spin.
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