Friday, December 14, 2007

When the Extreme becomes Mainstream

There are probably no two people in the media who are more associated with the immigration issue than CNN's Lou Dobbs and NBC's Pat Buchanan. Both have revitalized their careers by becoming self-proclaimed experts, and have probably logged more media face-time discussing the issue than any two people in American. Recently, they met on Dobbs' show to discuss their common concerns:

Yet if one were to compare some of the rhetoric used in the segment:

DOBBS: And congratulations on the new book, a best seller doing great.

Let me turn to the very first thing. The first chapter, declaring that the American century is over. I would like to share this with our viewers. "America is indeed coming apart, decomposing, and that the likelihood of our survival as one nation through mid century is improbable and impossible if America continues on her current course. For we are on a path to national suicide." My God, I don't think you could be more pessimistic.

BUCHANAN: Well that is where we are headed, Lou. As I write in the last chapter, we can still have a second American century. But look what is happening. You've got 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country, 38 million immigrants. The melting pot that turned our grandfathers and great grandfathers into Americans is cracked, broken and rejected as an instrument of cultural genocide. You have that going on in the country at the same time that the dollar is going down, the manufacturing base is being exported, you're overextended abroad with a smaller army than we had in 1939. All of these things are hitting at once and I don't get the awareness of the gravity of the crises comes at us.

DOBBS: We're back with Pat Buchanan, author of the important new book, which I highly recommend, "Day of Reckoning." Let's deal with an issue on the minds of Americans. That is the issue of illegal immigration. What has to be done?

BUCHANAN: Well first thing, you've got to secure the border. If we don't do it, it won't exist anymore in ten years. You've got to crack down on businesses that hire illegals. You've got to cut off the magnets by ending social welfare benefits as they voted to do Arizona. You've got to end this absurd practice that if someone comes to the United States and has a baby the next day it is automatically a citizen for life and entitled to a whole lifetime of benefits. I think you need a time-out on legal immigration of about 250,000 a year. This is the sea into which illegals move. We need another time out to get the melting pot up and running again.

DOBBS: What about the 12 to 20 million illegals in this country?

BUCHANAN: Start the deportations with gang members, felons, scofflaws and you start with felons and people who are drunk drivers and others. Then you start the process by cracking down on business, removing the magnets, they'll go home. What draws them here is free education, welfare, good jobs, good paying jobs much better than in Mexico. Basically business and the welfare, the social safety net draws them here.

With these quotes from hate groups complied back in the spring of 2001 by the Southern Poverty Law Center:

"America's culture, customs and language are under assault from foreigners who come to live here and, instead of learning the American way of life, choose to impose their own alien cultures, languages, and institutions upon us... . [E]thnic cleansing ... may seem a harsh term to apply here in America, but it accurately describes the expulsion of Americans from their communities by illegal aliens."

"[S]ince that time [about 1950], Western culture faces a growing and potentially fatal crisis: the widespread folly of believing that Hmong and Haitians can carry that culture forward as meaningfully as Europeans."

"These men [ranchers who capture illegal border-crossers at gunpoint] are the true heroes of our troubled times! Every illegal alien they halt is one less that will go on our welfare rolls, overcrowd our schools, bring in more drugs to poison our kids, or rob, rape and murder another innocent American citizen."

"[T]he meaning of this massive increase in non-white and non-Western populations groups within U.S. borders is that the United States is not only ceasing to be a majority white nation but also is ceasing to be a nation that is culturally part of Western civilization."

"America becomes darker — racially darker — every year, and that is the direct result of our government's immigration policy. ... We White people, we descendants of the European immigrants who built America, will be a minority in our own country. ... [M]alicious aliens [European Jews] came into our land and ... spread spiritual poison among our people, so that our spirits became corrupted and our minds became confused."

"Unless stopped now, massive illegal immigration from the Third World will surely make America more like the Third World than the nation of our forefathers. ... Forced integration and unrestrained immigration destroy schools, neighborhoods, cities and ultimately nations."

"[T]he very underpinnings of America are being gnawed away by hordes of aliens who are transforming America into a land where we, the descendants of the men and women who founded America, will walk as strangers... . Unless we act now ... we will be helpless to halt the accelerating dispossession of our folk."

"America is not just a geographical entity. It is a nation with certain values. I'd go beyond the proposal of a zero immigration moratorium and say we should begin deportation. Deportation now!"

"The Mexican culture is based on deceit. Chicanos and Mexicanos lie as a means of survival. Fabricating false IDs is just another extension of that culture ... [which] condones everything from the most lowly misdemeanor to murder in the highest levels of government."

"[Even] beyond immigration, legal or illegal, the very numbers of non-Whites already here, and their high birth rate, are enough to plunge North America into a banana republic status within two decades or less. ... [After America is split up into racial mini-states, if] an area like Florida wanted to accept the dregs of the Caribbean, let them, with the understanding that the second this mud flood oozed into the sovereign state of Georgia, it would be 'lock and load' time."

compliled spring, 2001 by SPLC

It becomes obvious that ideas that were once relegated to the vilest fringes of the extreme far-right have become mainstream. Note just how many of the sentiments expressed in these statements by hate groups can now be heard almost daily coming from both the media and politicians. Republican politicians, the right-wing noised machine, and now the main stream media, have managed to shift the whole national debate, and possibly the nation itself, to a point where this kind of eliminationist rhetoric is now the accepted norm.

This shift can be seen quite clearly in this segment from the O'Rielly Factor, where Sen. John McCain, discussing comprehensive immigration reform legislation, allows O'Rielly to lecture him unchallenged about the supposed "liberal plan" to "change the complexion" of America by breaking down "the white, Christian, male power structure".

Back in March, 2006 The Nation examined this shift to the far right through the eyes of former grand wizard of the KKK, David Duke.
Relaxing in the Hyatt lobby, (David) Duke reminisced about his glory days. "I was the first candidate who ran against affirmative action. And I predated Clinton on welfare reform," Duke told me. He rehashed his controversial term as a Louisiana state representative and his losing 1990 Republican gubernatorial candidacy, in which he captured more than 60 percent of the white vote. He happily recalled his 1977 Klan Border Watch, when he and seven other Klansmen drove a few sedans in circles along the California-Mexico border, waving a shotgun in the moonlight while dozens of reporters in tow tried not to crash their cars into one another.

Back in those good old times, in 1982, explaining the Klan's anti-immigrant advocacy, Duke said, "Every new immigrant adds to our crime problems, our welfare rolls and unemployment of American citizens.... We are being invaded in the southwest as if a foreign army were coming over the border.... They're going to take more and more hard-earned money from the productive middle class in the form of taxes and social programs." And Duke called for the deportation of all undocumented immigrants and harsh penalties for businesses that employ them. "I'd make the Mexican-American border almost like a Maginot line," he said, referring to the militarized barrier France constructed between itself, Italy and Germany after World War I.

At the time, Duke was widely dismissed as little more than a turbo-charged version of the paranoid style--"the Klan's answer to Robert Redford," as reporter Patty Sims described him in 1978. But today his anti-immigration rhetoric sounds not so remote from one of top-rated CNN host Lou Dobbs's fulminations during his daily "Broken Borders" segment. Duke's Klan Border Watch, meanwhile, served as the forerunner and inspiration of the Dobbs-touted Minutemen groups that have proliferated from the Mexico border to Herndon, Virginia, the city that hosted the American Renaissance conference, where disgruntled locals hold regular protests outside a day-labor center. Under pressure from Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo, chair of the House Immigration Reform Caucus, and with sponsorship from House Judiciary Committee chair James Sensenbrenner (tough-talking heir to the Kotex fortune), the Republican-dominated House has approved a bill that makes it a felony to be in the United States illegally, mandates punishment for providing aid or shelter to undocumented immigrants and allocates millions for the construction of an iron wall between the United States and Mexico. Duke may have fallen short on the national stage, but his old notions have gained a new life through new political figures.

The Nation, 3/23/2006

In the 20 months since The Nation first published this article things have only gotten worse. As every Republican presidential candidate falls over themselves trying to race further and further to the right, David Duke must be grinning ear to ear.


Unknown said...

The melting pot rhetoric really gets on my nerves, since "be part of the melting pot" usually means "conform to middle class suburban WASP culture". The US doesn't have a culture, we have many; this is because we are a nation of immigrants (mostly).

Anyhow, even if this melted pot were the wonderful thing it's touted as, it is under no more threat now than it has ever been. The pundits like to scare people by saying "38 million immigrants", but we have a population of almost 300 million. That's slightly over 11% of the population. Looking at the stats, rates have varied since 1850 from 8% to 14.4%. The current amount is pretty median.


PhilipC said...

Lou Dobbs Swears E.T. Is Not An Illegal Alien

I find it ironic that Dobbs can accept aliens from outer space but not aliens from outside the borders of the United States.

A funny and truthful look at some things Dobbs would like everyone to forget.

Anonymous said...

Cuban-Castro tension::::You don't want to hear what I have to say.
Either you're sell-out whores doing what you're told like other morbidly disfavored or the god's positioning has been VERY effective on you. Explanation::::
1. You are inferior to your people in the motherland. By very nature of your being in the United States this is true:::The family members with favor remained in Cuba. The gods sent each country's rejects to America then created an enviornment which preys upon them.
2. I think the gods forced Cuban communism to send a clue to the disfavored of the United States. I believe Cubans are NOT FAVORED ENOUGH TO BE COMMUNISTS and that's why the gods employed compensatory elements to make you pay for something you are not worthy of:::
a. Any culture with baseball is grossly disfavored.
b. Music is revelry. Earth is where the gods test people. Parties hurt you.
Salsa may be the absolute greatest music form on Planet Earth, and it has served not only as a distraction but an enormous source of pride, pride detrimental to a good relationship with the gods.
I have other comments about communism and its implications below. Don't forget::::The gods will reincarnate sexist men as pigs. Expect they have something extra special for then men who get violent with women.

If you lived in a communisitic state your 10 year old son wouldn't be able to see pornographic images on the internet. The government would have filters in place to protect the people from this damaging behavior.
Much like alcoholism, much like homosexuality the gods punish the people with magic.
These desires you have are going to keep you out. I recommend you begin working on your problems, for if you don't and are among those who are invited to Planet (Temptation) Manifest Destiny it will be very difficult, for life is fueled by magic up there, and if you don't think right you won't be staying for long.

Dreamcatchers. Wisdom from Native Americans.
Dreams are a bad thing. They shared this with me right before they began to increase the number of my dreams. I suspect they used this as an example that my new, vivid dreams are punishment.
I suspect the gods consider dreams bad because the alternative is an awakened experience.
Girls granted favor will receive their experience awake. Boys (and disfavored girls) will experience the gods imparting wisdom while asleep, subject to the computer making these individuals forget, as happens so frequently after dreams.

Native Americans have a problem with paternalistic superiority, among other things:::
2. Essentially eliminated from the face of the Earth
3. Warmongering tribes.
I wonder what their intent with dreamcatchers was? Was it gender non-specific??? Or was this symbol's intent specifically for the females among a disfavored peoples whose females had a problem catching their favor???

"We're not taking culpability for pushing you into it (stealing $25,000 Quasi-Holocaust, aka the "Jewish clue"), as you know."
My unrespectability is artificial. Yours is preditory.
Artificial god's artificial victory.

The gods will use their tools to create the perception of evil rewarded then corrupt the disfavored with it.
It's important that you differentiate between your own thoughts and when the computer thinks through you.

The computer does the work and manages us all. It is the source of their power and enables them to control our lives. The computer IS god.
Ironically, god is middle management.


1. Italians
2. Latinos
3. Muslims
4. Mormons
5. Japanese
6. The Southern man & rednecks
8. Other Catholic:::Irish, Philipino, Vietnamese?? Catholic women are masculinized.
Note the incredible wealth of some of these groups. The gods are using them as corruptors.

Fucking indecent horse racing commericals. They disappeared but now they're back.
I kinda like the one where she smacks him after seeing the "Misty" tattoo. "Some Latinos are getting in trouble because of that." Fantasizing about how they'd beat her half to death if it were them???

You need to understand that there is a price to be paid for your cooperation within the context of the god's positioning.
They instill tactics EVERYWHERE ensuring a difficult testing procedure, for the reward is great. Signing on to this lie IS a tactic, and it will ensure a percentage of people fail. "Intentional foreclosure" and telling people it is acceptable to steal are two examples of temptations which will cause your Damnation.
Of those who succeed the gods STILL require you to behave appropriately. If you fall prey to the temptations of Planet Manifest Destiny you too will ultimately perish.
Nobody is going to "lead you out". This is bullshit Book of Revelations Christianity positioning. Because this is their positioning this event WILL occur, but only among a pre-selected group, designed for theatrical purposes only.
I won't lead anyone out. This is not what I teach. You all are responsible for your own relationship with the gods, and failure to take responsibility will result in your exclusion.

The clone hosting of Jesus.wav:::
Much as we saw with another Mediterreanean prophet Mohammed the gods switched Jesus (good) and placed evil within the clone host so the gods could accomplish their goals::::Polygamy/misogyny and the creation of "savior" via Christianity.
As I share:::Anytime the gods use their powers it is only to hurt you. "Miracles" are such an example. The gods only use their powers to disceive and mislead people as we all witness in different ways in each of our lives. Jesus's miracles are a clue the gods were preying upon the disfavored.
I suspect the teachings of good Jesus came in his 20s.
Every religion offers something which help people understand::: Reincarnation (Hindu), vengeful/wrathful god (Islam), etc.
If you are afraid it is a good sign, for the gods are helping show you the right way to think. Don't forget:::The gods lie to you, tell you Jesus is the "savior" but he floated up into the sky ALL ALONE!!! He didn't save the disciples nor his precious mother. This is a clue from the gods helping you understand that you have to save yourselves.

Too smart for your own good.wav:::::
You are the peasantry here on Planet Earth. You are mere mortals. You don't have the right to elevate yourselves to that of the gods, yet you do each and every day when you subscribe to the positioning Artificial Intelligence tempts you with.
Your child may in fact be Hitler reincarnated. But if you don't do the right thing, be the best parent you can and apply yourselves to the rearing of your children then your placement in the next life will reflect this abandonment of your children.
You are being cast into damnation. You have no business observing life "multi-dimensionally" as this example illustrates. It is as if you believe you are "on par" with the gods. No wonder there is no god fearingness anymore. You need to focus on being good and decent and be the best person you can be.
The gods want a full-blown Apocalypse and they're going to get it. Don't be a statistic. You're not worthy to look beyond this life. This is the life into which you've been placed.
You're too smart for your own good, and it may be the end of you.

"Intentional foreclosure":::::
Everything happens for a reason.
The gods LOVE justification. They want it in place to ensure their will is justified.
Intentional foreclosure MAY SUPPORT MY THEORY OF AN IMPENDING APOCALYPSE, for this intentional "preditation" upon corporate America via relinquishing of obligation is sufficient grouds for abandonment by Manifest Destiny come Judgement Day.
Expect other similar strategies to be employed throughout the marketplace::::"Would YOU buy that (returned) couch?"

"Expectations of god." "(Virtues of greed.)" That preditor might as well be preaching suicide::::Come and drink.
Kool-aide twice in one week. Who'da figured?
They sent you a clue about these tools in the 80s, the help of this "back-hand". Also promoted godlessness, multiple goals charecteristic of their methodology.
Just as "100 years", just as "no black employees" the gods instruct those residing within these clone hosts to incurr evil so as to send a clue/accomplish some goal.
They'll be on Earth for the Apocalypse for the evil they incurr, ironically. The gods will save which ones they chose, at their discretion.

The gods will use their tools to create the perception of evil rewarded then corrupt the disfavored with it.

My urgent need for my backpack reminds me how they stole mine out of my car. Incidentally, my most recent journal composition book was inside, so hopefully they are forthcoming about its contents, unexpected consistant with their charicteristically insufficient act of compensatory.

14 domesticable animals in the history of Planet Earth. None for Africa. In effect the gods were telling blacks:::::"Eat dirt."
Get a clue::::They don't like you. They're playing you for chumps.


John McCain is real as opposed to this polished phoniness we witness from the likes of Clinton and W, where we ultimately experience their covert evil when sprung upon the disfavored (1997-1998, warmongering, etc). Sadly we are subject to the variability of the god's tools so this could change dependant on the strategy the gods are implimenting. Example::::::I recall McCain being against the war. "100 years" is a way the gods can deliver the election to one of the two wrong candidates.
I liken John McCain to a Bob Knight. That they used their media to ridicule Bob Knight is a clue.
They placed and maintained Bob Knight for as long as they did to send a clue, helping people understand proper behavior. His disciplinarianism is important and hopefully helped the athletes he coached. Sadly, much like we witness in the general popluation, many likely resented him and therefore didn't learn from the wisdom the gods imparted with this figure.
Salvation Army is good. St. Anthony's enables.
That the Bob Knights are the exception rather than the norm combined with society's reaction to this individual says something about the direction of society and the status of the masses as a whole.